Life’s New Appreciations
We uncovered new data that shows traditional milestones are continuing to shift as Americans enter 2021 with a new outlook on life, love and life insurance.
For more information on this study, view our press release.
Key findings
- 71% of Americans value the little things in life more than ever because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- 3/4 of Americans said it’s important for them to get their finances in order this year.
- 58% of Americans said COVID-19 has drastically changed which milestones they’d like to accomplish in life.
- Over half (55%) of Americans said this past year was the first time they spoke with a loved one about life insurance.
- The top discussions regarding life insurance and end of life plans last year included:
- The need for their significant other to buy a life insurance policy (40%).
- Reviewing their existing life insurance policy (37%).

COVID-19 Sparks a Small-Win Revolution
In an effort to make the most of each day, Americans are pursuing small wins, including speaking to their families more (45%), speaking their minds more truthfully (43%), and taking more vacation time when it’s safe to do so (42%). Four in 10 (41%) respondents also shared that they plan to be more confident and express themselves creatively as a part of this small-win revolution.
Financial Security Vital in 2021
While COVID-19 has ushered in a more considerable emphasis on small wins, Americans are still focused on big life decisions during this time. In fact, 58% of respondents said the pandemic has drastically changed the milestones they’d like to accomplish in life, with three-quarters (75%) of those polled saying it’s important for them to get their finances in order in 2021. For the second year in a row, financial security ranked as the most important milestone to achieve.

Gather Round, Let’s Talk Money
We’re committed to educating Americans about life insurance
At Life Happens, we created and coordinate the Insure Your Love campaign every year to motivate people to purchase life insurance to protect their loved ones financially. To take action for your loved ones, we have a free Life Insurance Needs Calculator to help evaluate your own life insurance needs.
Discover more
For more information on this study and its methodology, view our press release.
To see last year’s data go to “The New American Milestones” survey.