It’s Life Insurance Awareness Month and what better way to celebrate than gathering Twitter friends and experts to talk about financial fitness and life insurance! We spent an hour today (Tuesday, Sept 12) moderating a very lively and insightful conversation. Here are some great highlights from #LIAM17Chats. Thanks to all who joined us!
Q1: What does it mean to you to be financially fit?

Q2: Do you think finances, fitness and wellness intersect?

Q3: Who should have life insurance coverage?

Q4: In your experience, are there certain types of people who tend to be less aware of their life insurance need than others?

Q5: What are some common misconceptions you’ve encountered about life insurance?

Q6: What’s the best saying or rule of thumb you’ve heard when it comes to life insurance?

Q7: 42% of Millennials think they wouldn’t qualify for life insurance coverage. Why do you think that is?

And some great “after thoughts”! Thanks to everyone who participated!